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-Ken Himel

"Bravery, Compassion, Faithfulness, Dedication


Fire Chief Authority and Responsibilities:


The head of the fire department shall be the fire chief who shall be appointed by the Bayou Cane Fire Protection District Board of Commissioners in accordance with applicable state fire civil service law.


The fire chief shall direct and be responsible for fire prevention, fire extinguishment and salvage operations, inspection and recommendations concerning the fire code, investigations of fires and their causes, and the conduct of the fire safety and prevention program in the Bayou Cane Fire Protection District consisting of the geographic limits of said district as provided in Art. II, Section 8-21 (1) (b.).


The chief of the paid fire department or his authorized representative shall have full authority and be in charge of all fires, rescues, explosions, hazardous materials incidents, and emergency medical scenes in the district. This authority shall extend until such incident is rendered safe by the fire ground commander. This authority shall not limit any commissioned law enforcement officer in the performance of their duties.


The fire chief shall be the appointing authority for civil service purposes.




The regular fire-fighters of the district shall be appointed in accordance with rules and regulations established by the fire and police civil service system board.


Rules and regulations by paid chief of fire department:


All members of the fire department shall be subject to such rules and regulations made by the paid chief of the fire department, not inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions of local ordinances.


Emergency closure, cease and desist order:


The chief of the fire department may order a building to be closed and occupancy denied in situations that create an immediate threat to the safety of the occupants or surrounding occupants or property. In this case whatever means necessary shall be employed to close such unsafe structure or area and have it rendered safe.


Right of inspection or investigation:


The chief of the fire department or his authorized representative may, at any time, enter any building or premises for the purpose of making any emergency inspection or investigation which, it is deemed necessary to be made. Such officers and personnel are further authorized, with consent of the owner or occupant thereof, to enter any building or premises for the purpose of making inspections required in order to determine and insure compliance with the provisions of this adopted fire prevention code. Where the consent of the owner or occupant is withheld or refused, the chief of the fire department is authorized to obtain an appropriate warrant for the purpose of entering the premises in order to carry out such inspections and to conduct such investigations as may be necessary.


Investigation of fires:


The chief of the paid fire department or his authorized representative shall investigate the cause, origin and circumstances of every fire occurring in the district to determine if the fire was a result of carelessness, design or an intentional act. Any fire that is or could possibly be due to an intentional or malicious act shall be treated as a crime scene and the department has the authority contained in LA RS 40:1563.1, to further investigate the circumstances and determine the person or persons responsible. Local Law Enforcement shall upon request assist the fire department in the investigation of suspicious fires. Information relating to any possible criminal acts shall be forwarded to the district attorney.

A message from our


Welcome to the Bayou Cane Fire Department (BCFD) website! It is our
goal to continue to offer excellent service to the Bayou Cane community and provide information within this website that is useful in your everyday life. We hope you find the information beneficial and interesting whether you are a resident, business owner, employee, member of a civic group, or an individual seeking employment.

BCFD is a full service fire agency that protects over 34 square miles. The resident population of our district is approximately 37,000 with a daytime population of approximately 70,000. BCFD provides a variety of services to the community including fire suppression, emergency medical services (EMS), fire prevention, fire/arson investigation, hazardous materials response, rescue, emergency preparedness, commercial inspections and public education. There are a total of 46 BCFD employees (45 sworn and 1 civilian) and the annual General Fund operating budget is approximately $4 million.


BCFD is a vibrant organization that values our past, embraces the present and will be prepared for challenges of the future. We take a modern day approach to firefighting and emergency medical services that emphasizes treating our community members with the utmost respect. As found in our mission statement, BCFD strives to be a part of the community. We intend to achieve this through our relationships that we establish with our community stakeholders. We are committed to be available to our community whenever possible not just in emergency situations. Our assets belong to you. We are merely here to take care of them and provide the best service possible. Please feel free to stop in and say "hi!" If there is anything that we can do for you, please let us know.


An important part of our Department's culture and history is that we want to be an active community partner, not just an emergency response agency. We pursue this goal through a variety of efforts ranging from our fire prevention and fire safety education programs to our hosting groups of all ages for station tours. Any information we can provide or opportunity for interaction with the public we can create furthers that goal.


Thank you for visiting the Bayou Cane Fire Department’s website. We appreciate your interest. Stay safe!


Yours in service,





Ken Himel, Chief



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Chief's Corner

© 2020 by Bayou Cane Fire Protection District.

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