Teaching children about fire safety can be done at home or school, too. Here are some recommendations from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) on learning lessons for children aged 3-8 years old.
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Learn Not To Burn Preschool
NFPA created the Learn Not to Burn® Preschool Program in 1991 to address the high risks children under the age of five face in regards to fatal home fires.
The updated program integrates literacy, movement, music, and dramatic play to provide a developmentally appropriate learning experience for preschool-aged children.
Five lessons tap into varied learning styles to reinforce the safety concepts for young children. The behaviors and strategies addressed in the revised program are guided by research related to fire and life safety messaging and young children including the use of positively-framed messages, opportunities for active engagement and encouragement of family involvement.
The Learn Not to Burn Preschool Program lessons are intended for 3-5 year old children.
​(Click on the book link for the pdf file of this lesson.)
Learn Not To Burn Kindergarten
Learn Not to Burn® (LNTB) Kindergarten presents six fire-safety messages using classroom lessons, activities, and home connections. It can be taught as a stand-alone fire safety unit or easily integrated in language arts core curriculum lessons. The fire department can be invited to the classroom throughout the program to support the fire-safety messages taught.
LNTB is an easy to use flexible guide for teachers to respond to the needs of the classroom.
(Click on the book link for the pdf file of this lesson.)
Learn Not To Burn Grade 1
Learn Not to Burn Grade 1 presents six fire safety messages using classroom lessons, activities and home connections. It can be taught as a stand-alone fire safety unit or easily integrated in language arts core curriculum lessons. The fire department can be invited to the classroom throughout the program to support the fire safety messages taught. Learn Not to Burn is an easy to use flexible guide for teachers to respond to the needs of the classroom. Make time for fire safety education in your classroom.
​​(Click on the book link for the pdf file of this lesson.)
Learn Not To Burn Grade 2
Learn Not to Burn Grade 2 presents six fire safety messages using classroom lessons, activities and home connections. It can be taught as a stand-alone fire safety unit or easily integrated in language arts core curriculum lessons. The fire department can be invited to the classroom throughout the program to support the fire safety messages taught. Learn Not to Burn is an easy to use flexible guide for teachers to respond to the needs of the classroom. Make time for fire safety education in your classroom.
(Click on the book link for the pdf file of this lesson.)